As I sit here in a hotel room in Houston I find myself with nothing better to do than watch the New Hampshire primary results on CNN. I have been listening to candidate speeches, watching poll results, and reading up on the histories of the candidates. It is time to contribute my thoughts on this election.
For the sake of disclosure, I have voted Republican in every election since the year I turned 18. I hated that vote the last two times but I could not in good conscience vote for Al Gore or John Kerry. I loathe George Bush but he is the evil we know. Al Gore and John Kerry were unpredictable evils. With that out of the way, lets start on the Republicans.
John McCain: This former P.O.W. has seen better days. I respect his service but I just can't see this man leading us into a new era that is any different from his predecessors.
Mitt Romney: He seems socially pretty moderate, has a great understanding of business, and while I am a good bit left of him, I like the idea of knowing where a man is coming from on a personal level. I was once Mormon and while I disagree with them, I have a great deal of respect for the way they lead their lives. I would actually list him as my second choice for president.
Mike Huckabee: This vile hate mongering bastard needs to be pulled from every ticket. First, he has engaged in a "my God is better than your God" game that has no place in a civilized society. He has lied about Mormon Doctrine to draw doubt to Mitt Romney. He has supported nothing short of lying to our children in the form of teaching Intelligent design in science class. He isn't even a real conservative, just a Jesus loving big government liberal.
Rudy Giuliani: This guy is a 1 hit wonder. I don't give a shit that he was mayor when the planes hit. His policies suck. Enough said.
Ron Paul: This is the only guy in this election I despise more than Huckabee. He has a large following of 9/11 truth proponents, KKK members, and conspiracy theorists. If you pull up the archives of his old newsletters you will discover he is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, paranoid, vermin worthy of nothing.
The rest of the Republicans are just a waste of my time. Now to the Dems.
Hillary Clinton: This vile snake will say and do anything to get elected. If she gets nominated I might have to hold my nose and vote Republican. It has nothing to do with her being a woman or even former first lady. She can't pick a position. She has been preaching to end the war but voted every time to back the president.
John Edwards: I sort of like him but he is too extreme to actually get anything done in the White House.
Barack Obama: I heard him speak tonight and for the first time in years, I was inspired by the words of a politician. I see a great president in him. I hope the final elections are between Obama and Huckabee. Huckabee is un-electable. Obama is inspirational. He speaks of changes that can actually be made and understands that to truly govern one must not divide but instead build a coalition.
In watching this election, I am excited by the record turnouts of young voters. It is my hope that my generation is able to break through the haze MTV and Playstation has left it in and speak out. We must rise and pry the reigns from the aging hands of the fools who have put this country where it is now. To my young readers, get out and vote. Your vote is your voice. If you don't stand and fight you will be trampled.
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