Thursday, March 31, 2005

Schiavo, part II

I've been reading articles from various ethics "experts" and I am sickened. An article by Arthur Caplan, Ph.D. found here on MSNBC got me thinking. I've been wondering how someone could justify in their minds starving someone to death. Based on the data presented in that article, as long as they can't be medically proven to "feel" it and death is somehow better than their current state, it must be alright. There is no physical evidence other than the word of a spouse who stands to gain financially that this is truly what she wanted, yet it is still alright . So, it is alright to starve a person to death without their written consent if modern science thinks they can't feel.

With that in mind, might a make a modest proposal? If death is truly better than the life they currently have, why not kill them quickly in the off chance they can feel the slow creeping death of starvation and dehydration. Why not give them high doses of one of any number of drugs that inflict little to no pain and end life in seconds? We are killing them anyway via starvation, why not just get it over with? While we are at it, why not kill all invalids? They can't feed or clothe themselves. Surely they long for death. Why not go even further? Lead costs less than drugs, lets just put a .22 bullet in their heads. It is the choice of assassins for a quick kill because it has enough force to enter the skull and bounce around but not exit making a relatively clean kill. For a more personal approach there is always the garrotte. With either you need only a pan to catch any mess.

Of course guns would be reprehensible to those who support euthanasia so I guess knife to the wrist is the only solution. Remember, down, not across...

For those on whom satire is lost, the above opinion is satire a la Jonathan Swift.

Terri Schiavo, murder of an innocent

I don't know where to begin this post.

I feel great sorrow for the Schindler family. I feel unmitigated outrage for the conspirators in her murder. I cannot begin to describe my great sadness at the ineffectiveness of our government at stopping judges who legislate from the bench. All it would have taken was one Congressional order and the U.S. Marshals could have gone to Florida and stopped this madness. A woman was murdered by court order in a manner we don't allow for our most hardened criminals.

In Virginia hanging was ruled cruel and unusual punishment. Yet letting an innocent woman starve to death is alright to the same group of people. I am so mad I am shaking. Michael Savage had it right, Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. We think about removing a killer from society and liberals do all possible to stop it. Fair enough, they are entitled to that opinion and it acts as a good check to ensure the guilt of the killer. Now a poor woman whose only crime is not being able to feed and care for herself is killed and where were the liberals? THEY WERE SUPPORTING HER MURDER!

What really disturbs me is those who had the power to save her didn't. The President has the power to set aside punishments set down by the courts and pardon criminals so why not pardon Terri from her court imposed death sentence. Congress has the power to enforce the subpoena it sent for Terri. I am a conservative if you can't tell and I am disgusted with the Republican party because they caved to the loud minority. This two party system is an illusion. We are led by the Republicrats. The gridlock and heated debates are nothing but smoke and mirrors. I have known this for a while but my outrage has reached a new pinnacle with the death of this poor woman. I have to stop now before I completely blow my stack

I end with this, Terri, may your spirit rest with God and may God send peace to your family and this nation.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Writer's Block

Have you ever had so much crap on your mind that you can't form any of it into a complete thought? The sentence would start with the stupid song in my head and end with debate on social security. My brain has a tendency to run 15 channels at once and they all want to be in the foreground. I want to post something just to get some of this out but none of it makes sense. I guess I could make one post that has little samples of each channel as they come to the foreground... Warning: If any of the following starts to make sense, seek professional help immediately.

I have a stupid Neil Young song in my head. What the hell is he rambling on about? Story of Johnny Rotten?!?! Way to many recreational drugs...

I saw an ad on TV about how social security just needs minor adjustment and implied that I am too stupid to handle MY money. Must resist urge to fly to Washington and introduce Democrats to the Louisville Slugger of truth...

I have a headache...

What is that on my shirt? I didn't eat anything that looked like that...

I spend most of my life waiting for computers to reboot. Gives me too much time to think about crap I hate...

Bob Dylan just came on. How many marbles were in his mouth when he sang this? I'm guessing 5. "...little rooster crowing, must have something on his mind..." Yeah, struggling with the urge to rip your throat out with his talons...

I think stress happens when your brain prevents your body from choking the life out of stupid people...

Microsoft @#$#ing sucks. I have been waiting for thirty minutes for a damn Windows XP re-install just so some idiot can use @$#%ing media player.

I am noticing a violent streak in this post. I need time at the shooting range...

OK, time to switch to my Hard Rock/Metal playlist. Blues ain't cutting it right now. Ahhh, sweet Metal...

Alright, back to work. I feel refreshed. And you probably feel confused and possibly a bit frightened...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Let the barely coherent rambling begin

You know, I have thought about blogging for a while now. I always have these moments of brilliance and want a place to write them. Either that or I get mad at something and need a place to rant. Now that everyone and their dog has a blog, I figure I'll throw my worthless opinion in with the millions of others out there.

To get the basic introductions out of the way, I am Michael J. Clarkson, Jr.. I am a Computer Guru by day, blues singer by night. Well, trying to be a blues singer... I tried out for a band last week and they want me back so things look good. I practice via karaoke* as often as I can.

Anyway, I am happily married to my high school sweetheart, that story in a future post, and have a five year old little girl.

*karaoke-Literally translates to: alcohol makes any idiot think they can sing.