Have you ever had so much crap on your mind that you can't form any of it into a complete thought? The sentence would start with the stupid song in my head and end with debate on social security. My brain has a tendency to run 15 channels at once and they all want to be in the foreground. I want to post something just to get some of this out but none of it makes sense. I guess I could make one post that has little samples of each channel as they come to the foreground... Warning: If any of the following starts to make sense, seek professional help immediately.
I have a stupid Neil Young song in my head. What the hell is he rambling on about? Story of Johnny Rotten?!?! Way to many recreational drugs...
I saw an ad on TV about how social security just needs minor adjustment and implied that I am too stupid to handle MY money. Must resist urge to fly to Washington and introduce Democrats to the Louisville Slugger of truth...
I have a headache...
What is that on my shirt? I didn't eat anything that looked like that...
I spend most of my life waiting for computers to reboot. Gives me too much time to think about crap I hate...
Bob Dylan just came on. How many marbles were in his mouth when he sang this? I'm guessing 5. "...little rooster crowing, must have something on his mind..." Yeah, struggling with the urge to rip your throat out with his talons...
I think stress happens when your brain prevents your body from choking the life out of stupid people...
Microsoft @#$#ing sucks. I have been waiting for thirty minutes for a damn Windows XP re-install just so some idiot can use @$#%ing media player.
I am noticing a violent streak in this post. I need time at the shooting range...
OK, time to switch to my Hard Rock/Metal playlist. Blues ain't cutting it right now. Ahhh, sweet Metal...
Alright, back to work. I feel refreshed. And you probably feel confused and possibly a bit frightened...
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