Monday, October 30, 2006

Behold! Rising from the dust! It's....

The Ask Mike column is back for the first time since December of '05. This is the column where my readers (all three of you) email me questions and I make fun of... I mean answer... them. Seriously, send any question to me via email ( with the @ character in place of AT), blog comment, myspace message, or carrier pigeon and I will answer it in a future blog post. Hopefully my new minions from speech and debate tournaments will post topic related questions (hint, hint, nudge, nudge) that I can answer for their enlighenment and use in rounds (free speaker points for quoting me). In fact, what I would like to see ultimately is all of the students who have the address here refering their entire team. My goal is to have kids I have never met using my thoughts in debate and speech rounds the world over. Ambitious goal I admit but a worthy one. We future rulers of the world have to have dreams...

"Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?"
"The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!"


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... to incompetent to come up with your own blogs.

That is so you. Trying to get others to do your work.

Unknown said...

Not incompetent, just lazy... That and I am trying to attract an actual readership.

Anonymous said...

Fine, I have a question for you...

I have this friend who is dating this guy. They are going to get married soon only they just found out that they are cousins. First.

Is this inappropriate? Should they break it off? What do they tell their children?

Unknown said...

I heart you... :-)

Anonymous said...

It's my hotness that you heart.

Yeah, they call me Poopoo "the body" Cup for a reason. I can't help my hotness.

Anonymous said...

Just trying to help you on the search engine front.