Sunday, March 30, 2008

The death of the youth vote

This election is history making. This is the first time in the history of the United States we have the opportunity to elect either a black man or a woman to the highest office in the land. These primaries have seen a record turnout from voters of all ages. Contributing to this flood of voters is the youth vote, motivated by a chance for change.

Sadly, the Democratic Party doesn't seem to want the young, fresh voting public not to become the jaded assholes they are. The archaic and disgustingly stupid rules of the Democratic party primary process threaten to crush what little faith in the election process we had. The election rules may allow the old guard (a.k.a. "Super Delegates") to ignore the popular vote and put into place one of their own. If you think Hillary isn't one of their own, ask yourself, why did she not once vote against George Bush on the war? If the Super Delegates go against the popular vote, she will have pulled a "George Bush", stealing the nomination. Once again, they will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The last two elections were lost by choosing the only two nitwits on the planet who could lose to George W. Bush. Now they have apparently decided to lose it before they even begins. How? If they give the nomination to Hillary Clinton, voters like myself will either sit this one out or *ugh* vote Republican... I need a moment to vomit...

Note the the DNC: if the nomination process is not changed, your party has seen its last election. If you want the youth vote, you need to stop lying to them about their vote actually counting and instead actually make it count. Also, when the rules get changed mid-game (i.e. seating Florida) you simply drive another nail into the coffin. You want your party to survive, instruct the Super Delegates to follow the popular vote and then eliminate them in the next election cycle. While you are at it, set up some rules to prevent the "Operation Chaos" dittohead Rush lackeys from influencing the nomination.

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